„We believe in the power of word of mouth as the most personal, professional and efficient art to reference a product or service and establish a remarkable and visible presence in the market”

“Word of mouth is 7 times more effective than traditional print advertising (Cheung & Thadani, 2012)”

Word of Mouth

Word of mouth can be defined as the sharing of information about a product, promotion, et cetera, between a consumer and a friend, colleague, or other acquaintance (Marketing Power, 2010; Stauss, 1997). We call Reference Marketing the way to use word of mouth to bring a product or service to market


Word of mouth  is evaluated in most of the existing literature, as one of the most powerful forces in the marketplace (Bansal & Voyer, 2000; Henricks, 1998; Marney, 1995), as well as highly persuasive and effective (Bristor, 1990)

Way to Market

Word of mouth  represents an efficient, productive, service friendly and professional way to bring a product to market (Nyilasy, 2006). Researchers believe that it affects consumer’s decisions more than market-created sources of information such as advertising, newspapers and sales staff (Godes, 2004)

Our Knowledge

We build, manage, develop products in the market since more than a decade and are experts in both offline and online reference marketing


Reference marketing is based and uses word of mouth at its highest level, following solid  and transparent ethical principles, leveraging its characteristics to excel in the market 

Your Product

Your product deserves more than the classical wholesale, retail or online sales channels. Reference marketing can establish your product or service in the most optimal way in the market and make it a unique experience for your customers 

Our Promise

Personal & Simple

Simple things are the most powerful for the simple reason, that people do not need time to understand what it is all about, it is intuitive.

Our research and experience enables us to offer you a unique way to market leveraging reference marketing. Our state of the art knowledge will create for you a powerful network of sales distributors that will excel in terms of professionalism, passion and service level attitude. 

Our aim is to make you successful

Ready to Start

If you are looking for out of the box thinker, if good is not good enough for you, if passion counts for you, if leadership stands for staying foolish and hungry, than we should get to know each other.

We are ready to start with you and write the next successful chapter of your business journey.  

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